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http://www.100md.com 2018年4月1日 《中国美容医学》 2018年第7期


    [中图分类号]R782.2 [文献标志码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2018)07-0105-03

    Abstract: Objective The aim of the study is to assess the clinical means of negative pressure drain with needle which was used in linear and closed mandibular angle fractures. Methods 16 patients who suffered from linear and closed fractures of mandibular angle were selected from January 2014 to October 2017,All patients were used negative pressure drain with needle to puncture facial skin directly and combined with intraoral incision to get strong internal fixation. Postoperative observation were followed up from 6to9months, evaluated fixation effects, postoperative complications and occlusion. Results All patients obtained good results on both postoperative occlusion and restoration of fractures, there is no complications about salivary fistula and facioplegia as well as auricle numb,facial scar is not obviously. Conclusion The methods which using negative pressure drain with needle to puncture facial skin directly and combined with intraoral incision to treat mandibular angle fractures achieved significant clinical effects with reducing the complications of salivary fistula and facioplegia as well as auricle numb without obvious scar.
, http://www.100md.com
    Key words: mandibular angle fracture; negative pressure drain intraoral; incision; trauma; complication


, 百拇医药     1 资料和方法

    1.1 一般资料:选取2014年1月-2017年12月笔者医院口腔颌面外科收治的16例下颌角线性骨折患者,其中交通事故12例,意外摔伤1例,斗殴伤2例,劳动工伤1例。所有患者术前行颌面部三维CT重建及颌骨全景片检查(见图1~2),骨折均为线性闭合性骨折。其中男12例(左侧7例、右侧5例),女4例(左侧1例、右侧3例);年龄最大54岁,最小16岁,平均35.6岁。均采用改良带针负压引流管经面部皮肤直接穿刺、口内切口入路坚固内固定。

    1.2 手术装置及材料:小型钛板、钛钉、钻头及相应十字形改锥(德国诺曼德公司)、常规牙弓夹板及0.025mm正畸结扎丝、3/8正畸用橡皮牵引圈、带针负压引流管[带针负压引流管属成品,由山东贝诺斯医疗器械公司生产的大号(200ml)引流管,外径3mm、内径2.5mm]。引流管的强度能够支撑面颊部软组织形成穿颊通道。骨折断端钻孔时转速约10 000转/min,钻孔时间3~5s即可完成,且边钻孔边用空针注射冷却生理盐水对钻针降温,钻针磨损极小;同时喷水可避免骨孔过热导致骨坏死。钻孔完成后再次用冷却生理盐水对骨孔进行冲洗,将骨碎屑及可能的异物残渣完全冲出骨孔外,不会存在异物残留的问题。, http://www.100md.com(明华伟 何芸 谭小尧)
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